I meant to put this post up yesterday but forgot. Mondays in this country are AWESOME!!!!!! It consist of mainly cleaning and preparing for the week.Its like our sabbath.There usually no preaching on Mondays and people just relax. Its a great day to get stuff done. Don't we all wish we could take a day off once a week regularly????? Here's what it looks like. Yup that's right that's me washing clothes."Wheres the dryer at you may ask" NOPE we don't have one. Here's the process:(1
)You've got to wring your clothes out (2)Put them in fabric softener(So your clothes aren't crispy when you put the out to dry(3)From the fabric softener you place you clothes in a spinner(imagine a spinner to dry of lettuce) for about 20 sec and the mostly dry(4)Hang them out to dry My mom would be so PROUD..
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