What a wonderful week. This week was the end of the semester at the English Institute I work at so,I had tons of lesson planning and preparing my kids for there final exam.Me and Myrna(sister in the above pic) were doing search work and found a deaf man. The Family was so nice. The man above has been studying for the past 2 years and insisted that we stayed for lunch with him and the family. It's so nice to meet people that have such a love for the truth. It hard to remember that he's not our brother yet. We had such spiritual convo and not to forget the food was DA BOMB!!!!! ummmmmmm. Another high lite of my week was preparing territory for my little city Tamboril. Im the only person from Sign Language hear. When Myrna and I arrived me we were assigned to work this area,find the deaf and make maps. Today the afternoon group went to Tamboril. It felt so good to have completed our assignment. Ive learned and important quality here HUMILITY. Its not about YOU!!!!! Its all about the ministry and Jehovah's will being accomplished.