What a wonderful week. This week was the end of the semester at the English Institute I work at so,I had tons of lesson planning and preparing my kids for there final exam.Me and Myrna(sister in the above pic) were doing search work and found a deaf man. The Family was so nice. The man above has been studying for the past 2 years and insisted that we stayed for lunch with him and the family. It's so nice to meet people that have such a love for the truth. It hard to remember that he's not our brother yet. We had such spiritual convo and not to forget the food was DA BOMB!!!!! ummmmmmm. Another high lite of my week was preparing territory for my little city Tamboril. Im the only person from Sign Language hear. When Myrna and I arrived me we were assigned to work this area,find the deaf and make maps. Today the afternoon group went to Tamboril. It felt so good to have completed our assignment. Ive learned and important quality here HUMILITY. Its not about YOU!!!!! Its all about the ministry and Jehovah's will being accomplished.
I am glad that you are enjoying there in your little city Tamboril and it sounds like it's the best time of your life! I enjoy seeing you being so happy and get along with brothers and sisters who are different from you. Jehovah is molding you into a wonderful and well-rounded spiritual sister. Recently I went to a Special One day Assembly in PC, I love these talks! We compare to a clay, Jehovah views it as one of his precious possessions is the truth we must share the good news with people like you said it's not about me-attitude but it's about the ministry Jehovah wants us to be done. Another point we need to analyze ourselves that we don't lose our zeal for the ministry no matter how long we were baptized also not allowing the world mold our thinking by paying attention to material things.
Hey Ty! This is Gabe Mann. I know...long time no hear... :-( But I'm SOOOO glad 2 hear & see you doing well in the D.R. I'm So proud of you! I went thru & Read ALL your Blogs! You're such an encouragement! I MISS You! Can't wait to see you when you get back (if u decide to come back...seems like your having SUCH a GREAT time!)Im keeping you in my prayers & thoughts! I also gotta tell U some excited News. U wont believe who's engaged! (not me) LoL talk to you soon!
ReplyDeleteI wish that you will take a time to add up new blogs, since one and a half month there's no new blogs, what's up with you??? Of course, I know you are very hectic in D.R. and everything. I have heard about Mexico swine disease, is it contagious in D.R. too? We have a C.O. visit this week (April 28-May 2)it's so wonderful! I enjoyed Frank Greco's talks, including his wife's (Joi Greco) company in service. They are setting up a very good example in turning their voices off when they see deaf person or even one coming for service meeting even though all of them not signing. Hopefully Decatur will improve in turning their voices off while deaf people are in presence as well they can sign to their hearing friends instead of talking all the times. Thursday's talk were so awesome! "Remain Happy while Serving Jehovah"- Are you happy??? There are 3 ways to be happy:1.Family 2.Ministry 3.Congregation. If we desire to be happy we must give (Acts 20:35), the mild-tempered, merciful peaceable are very happy because they will inherit the earth, they are willing to support and help people and make a peace among brothers and sisters. (Matthew 5:5,7,9) Elders should be balance their obligations to the congregation and to their family, elders should not ignore their family if their children want to spend a time with their fathers. Husbands should show a loving appreciation for wives because they cook and clean as well they are a hard-working people. Wives with unbelieving husbands should be willing to be with her husband and his family for recreation, if a wife decide not to because of in fear of spiritually infested, will she be happy? Hardly. You need to give your time and attention, then you will be happy. In ministry, we need to imitate Jesus' example to show attention and love to people despite apathy and opposition if one person resist the truth you should feel sad no because you give and you are happy because you are not self-centered. In congregation, deaf can be happy by helping newbies signers to learn ASL and train them also hearing should want to sign in presence of deaf or not just because they love to sign, if hearing won't sign and he or she not want deaf to see my signing is not sacrificing himself or herself that means that person isn't happy. What wonderful points! I know it's long but I know you will enjoy reading it.