Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Back in the States
My almost 3 weeks back in the states have been BANANAS. I was really excited because I got to spend 2 weeks in NYC with Charlene. Getting adjusted back to life here hasn't been difficult at all. While I'm here I really want to enjoy my friends,family and the familiarity of things.I plan to be back in the DR some time in December and am living my life accordingly. Not accumulating any debt while I'm here and only buying things that I need in the DR. I plan to keep my blog updated so you can see my progress and cheer me on.GOOD NEWS Ive got an apartment set up when I get back but, here's the kicker everything inside the apt is INCLUDED that's right FREE. My good friend Jon Ross gave me all his new appliances. I thank Jah and cant wait to return.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Its been a while

Hey all. So its been a while since I've updated my blog. Allot has changed in my last month and a half in the DR.I was sick for about 3 weeks. First I got a parasite then I was bitten by a mosquito with a virus. I almost missed my ASL memorial , but did miss the English assembly held twice in the country. Y'all I was messed up. My good friend's Anton and Jackie took REALLY good care of me(LOVE Y'ALL).So that is why there has been a lack of blogs. I'm actually back in the states, we(my gram visited me for a week before I returned) arrived in ATL Wed May 20. When we hit US soil I was a Lil sad and excited all at the same time. Don't get me wrong I'm glad to be home,but at the same time I'm experiencing a little bit of withdrawals. The moment we arrived mom and me headed to New York. My great grandmother just died and I will be in New York for 2 weeks. Ill be back in ATL June 4 or something like that.Stayed tuned......
Saturday, March 28, 2009

What a wonderful week. This week was the end of the semester at the English Institute I work at so,I had tons of lesson planning and preparing my kids for there final exam.Me and Myrna(sister in the above pic) were doing search work and found a deaf man. The Family was so nice. The man above has been studying for the past 2 years and insisted that we stayed for lunch with him and the family. It's so nice to meet people that have such a love for the truth. It hard to remember that he's not our brother yet. We had such spiritual convo and not to forget the food was DA BOMB!!!!! ummmmmmm. Another high lite of my week was preparing territory for my little city Tamboril. Im the only person from Sign Language hear. When Myrna and I arrived me we were assigned to work this area,find the deaf and make maps. Today the afternoon group went to Tamboril. It felt so good to have completed our assignment. Ive learned and important quality here HUMILITY. Its not about YOU!!!!! Its all about the ministry and Jehovah's will being accomplished.
Monday, March 23, 2009

This weekend was so good I honestly dont know where to start.Craig and Tonya a couple from my Spanish class invited me to there house for the weekend. They live in an area named La Vega. It's about 30 min from the city,Santiago. They've been in ASL for almost 10 years, there so much fun!!! Jeremy and Debra Mallory from Patterson Bethel are in town for the week to attend a wedding. On saturday we went to the host couples home and had wonderful association with brothers and sisters from all over. The night ended with jokes in Sign Language. Jeremy and a brother from the capiital Melki exchanged jokes. The next day we went to the meeting. It was an amazing congregation were 70 deaf were in attendence. This experience was so great for the deaf. Getting a chance to see Jeremy a brother from the Dvd's. All left spiritully up built. The day ended with a congregation party where I cn't even tell you how many people were there. There were interviews of 2 deaf sisters. One of which is a special Pioneer, a brother whose in Bethel( Ebma,both his parents are deaf) and Jeremy. It was so encouraging and I will never forget it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Its been a while

So Ive been super dupa busy. Good busy just haven't had the time to update my blog. Today I had a breakthrough. The Watchtower today was written for me. Its amazing isn't it that Jh knows what you need when you need it. Every time you feel like you wanna throw in the towel and just give up some how some way he tells you "Its OK, I heard your prayer I got you".(not in those exact words but you get my drift)lol HE IS SOOOOO AMAZING. Lately I've been feeling down about my ministry.I didn't even think that was possible for myself. Ive loved preaching since forever but recently hit a major wall.Ive been feeling like a failure, like I cant teach,nobody understands me and at times feeling like I don't belong here. Adjusting to life in another country can raise insecurities in a person.Not knowing the language well feeling like your not making a difference, these are such strong emotions that can make you feel so down. Jh told me about myself today in the watchtower. I can do this. I am a good teacher and remembering that all I can do is plant the seed and water it. I cant feel bad if a student doesn't make progress or get so frustrated that they don't understand me completely dont beat myself up. Jh knows the heart and will draw those to him that have the right heart. Definitely a Watchtower I will never forget!!!!!!!
Life lesson learned: God is greater then our hearts.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I meant to put this post up yesterday but forgot. Mondays in this country are AWESOME!!!!!! It consist of mainly cleaning and preparing for the week.Its like our sabbath.There usually no preaching on Mondays and people just relax. Its a great day to get stuff done. Don't we all wish we could take a day off once a week regularly????? Here's what it looks like. Yup that's right that's me washing clothes."Wheres the dryer at you may ask" NOPE we don't have one. Here's the process:(1
)You've got to wring your clothes out (2)Put them in fabric softener(So your clothes aren't crispy when you put the out to dry(3)From the fabric softener you place you clothes in a spinner(imagine a spinner to dry of lettuce) for about 20 sec and the mostly dry(4)Hang them out to dry My mom would be so PROUD..
What A Wonderful Life

Let me catch yall up on the last few days. They have been quite busy.My ministry is the highlight of all my days,Its definitely been a challenge.I am so appreciative that I am here and learning how to BECOME a teacher. Its like nothing I've ever experienced.The feeling of preparing for your studies and then seeing your students benefit from your hard work is indescribable. For instance, today I went on Lil Perla's study.We are in chap 2 of the "Learn From The Great Teacher" book. Last night when preparing I thought to myself"Self how are you going to teach this Lil girl about creation". I was up for about an hour cutting out pic's from the Wt and Awake trying to find pic's that would explain creation and how they would connect in her brain.I went to the study laid out the pics and it worked. Now she has learned that Jh is the creator of all things and that he gives us these things because he loves us. How good I felt when I pointed to a pic and she GOT IT. Its so amazing to see an 8 year old form her own personal relationship with Jah. I am also so thankful for the spiritual sisters I have around me. They are such good teachers,I desire to be as effective as they are. With time and most importantly Jh's Holy Spirit I will be!!!
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